My first novel will be published in August 2022

1st of April 2022,
  • News

Hi, my name is Ulpu-Maria Lehtinen and my first novel will be published in August by publishing house S & S. I’m so excited I hardly dare speak about this!

The book is called Kalmanperhon kutsu – it’s in Finnish but I hope some day it will be available in English as well – and it starts a new fantasy trilogy. You can read more (in Finnish) at my publisher’s page.

The next novels of the trilogy will be published in 2023 and 2024.

If you want to get to know me, please check out my CV-page. You’re welcome to follow me on Instagram as well, my account is all about writing, art & little outdoorsy adventures.

This time you should really be afraid of the dark.

Kalmanperhon kutsu

This would not have been possible without help so warm thanks to everyone who has been involved in this journey! Special thanks to illustrator and artist Sami Saramäki who designed the wonderful cover art and photographer Henrietta Soininen who took the writer photos.